3 Ways to Re-Ignite the Passion

3 Ways to Re-Ignite the Passion

A stranger recently sent me a FB PM and asked me, “So, what do I do if I feel that my passion is now becoming mundane?”  He was reacting to my blog post “The Funny Thing About Not Pursuing Your Passion”.  During that conversation, I said a lot of things in immediate reaction without taking a pause and understanding where he was coming from.

To make the long story short, I provided answers which were not addressing his question and current situation but the nice thing about that conversation is it gave me an opportunity to reflect on myself, my answers, how I handled the situation and hopefully it’s the start of a lasting friendship and future partnership and collaboration on some events.

I spent some time to do some reflecting on myself and that conversation and I realized that I still have a lot to learn about people and we cannot put everyone in the same category or box as each of us is unique and our experiences, values and people that touched are lives can be very different.

Now, if he were to ask me that question again, this is how I would reply him, these are the 3 ways to re-ignite the passion:

  • Go back in time

Take a time capsule and go back to the time that you discovered that this is your passion.

As you recall the scene, try and remember what clothes were you wearing, what shoes and bag where you using, what perfume did you spray on before leaving the house.

Go ahead and take look around you, take in the situation, the people in the frame, what were you doing that gave you that “Aha” moment.

Dig in to your feelings and describe how you felt after realizing that light bulb moment of “Oh my, this is my passion.”

Try and pinpoint what is it that made you feel passionate.  Because, maybe, just maybe, you are working on something that you are not passionate about, you are stretching yourself too thin or doing too many things and forgot about why you were passionate about it in the first place.  Try and go back to your first love.  As the song says, first love never dies. 🙂

  •  Go and be a child again

Aren’t you amazed with a child’s unquenchable thirst to be curious, to ask why?  I think the 5 Why’s logic in finding a root cause was inspired with a conversation with a child.  So, take a lesson from a child.

Take the time to be a child and be curious again.  Spend time with people who are passionate about the same thing especially for the newbies who emits and radiates passion.  Interview them or just observe them as they go about their normal routine or day.  Maybe you will learn a thing or two from them on how they sustain the passion.  Maybe their energy, vibe and positivity will just rub on you.

  • Take a break

Disconnect from everything, people and gadgets, so that you can re-connect again.  This is very important in this era of Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. that people are online 24×7.

Maybe things are just running around in frenzy that you are just flying from one project to another without taking some time to take a breather or do some reflection for improvement opportunities or even to acknowledge a job well done.

Maybe all your creative wires are burned out or your creative juices are drained because you never take the time to rest, do some exercise, to mediate and reflect or even just breathe, take some time to enjoy life or spend time with family and friends or even absorb the things going on around us.

We need to disconnect in order to connect better.

I hope these 3 tips will help you.  Do let me know if you have other tips or advice to re-ignite passion.   Let’s learn from each other. 🙂

Till the next blog. 🙂

6 thoughts on “3 Ways to Re-Ignite the Passion

  1. I have actually been following these three steps this weekend without even knowing it! I decided on a staycation with my partner this weekend instead of going through the stress of vacationing (renting a car, traveling, getting lost, etc) and it has made such a difference. Thank you for the reminder that it’s OK to take it easy sometimes!

  2. Hi Heather! Thanks for the comment.

    We need to give ourselves the permission to rest and recharge as needed otherwise our batteries will die on us and it will be harder to get back into the groove 😀

  3. Thanks for this well crafted and timely post! I am in the middle of my “break” to re-ignite my spirit. Your tips are a reminder to me that I am on the right track to getting back my mojo! 😀

    1. Thanks Vox. Appreciate your kind words.
      We all need a boost and reminder sometimes. It is good to have someone to nudge us once in a while 🙂

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