Level Up: Giving Donations

Level Up: Giving Donations

I have been working like a crazy woman for the past few nights sleeping only like 3-4 hours at night in order to catch up on a backlog.  So, I decided to take a breather and find inspiration and taking the opportunity to update my dream board and write my goals for 2017 using the 2016 dream board as a baseline and trying as much as I can to remember the goals in the notebook I lost.

Usually, I do my dream board review, budget review and goals review all at the same time.  I have already completed my budget review in early Jan but it is only now that I am doing my dream board and goals review.  These 2 are tied together but I just want to have a dream board displayed in my room and at my desk to serve as an inspiration and constant reminder.  The goals will be really more detailed and will indicate timelines.

The first thing I am reviewing is my budget and plans for the category “Love Offering” or “Give Fund” as T. Harv Eker’s calls it in his JARS Money Management System.  I have mentioned in the following previous blogs about “Love Offering”: http://bit.ly/1FoMSN8 and http://bit.ly/2lDVlDM.

I have been progressively increasing the percentage to aim for 10%, given that this really requires change in mindset and faith.  I feel that when I break the 10% barrier, it is not impossible to keep on further increasing it.

This year, my Mom’s scholar is not enrolling so I am thinking of reallocating that money somewhere else.  Previous years, I didn’t allocate all the amount to particular charities or outreach programs but I will just keep on putting it in an envelope and I will use it when there are calamities in the Philippines like typhoon or earthquake, or for supporting my friends’ outreach programs like the HTP (Cane for the Elders), Christmas party for kids, etc.

I am thinking that this year I will do it differently:

  • I will put more allocation for PHP vs SGD
    1. Increase the number of sponsored children in World Vision
    2. Increase the amount for my nephews and nieces that I put into their COL Financial accounts
  • Give back to this country that I consider my second home by finding charities to give my donation, ideally the charity that I can do online GIRO enrollment so that it will be automatically be debited from my account vs managing the transfer or payment every month.
  • Keep minimal amount as cash in the envelope for unplanned donations

I’ll keep you posted in my next blog about my search for the SG charity I will donate to 🙂

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